
How much does it cost to buy and install a charging station

coût l’achat et l’installation d’une borne de recharge

All electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles come with a 120V charger. This is a standard outlet that we all have at home. Electric car owners prefer to charge their cars at home, as it is more convenient and economical.

However, it is important to know that recharging your electric car with the basic 120-volt outlet takes a long time. It can take up to 66 hours to charge a 64 kWh car like the Hyundai Kona. Even after a full night, the car is not 100% charged!

That's why a Level 2 residential charging station becomes an interesting option.

How much does it cost to buy and install a charging station?

In order to get more out of their electric car, many people opt to purchase and install a residential Level 2 charging station. This is a 240-volt charging station that is much more efficient and charges the car in only 3 to 9 hours. That's a considerable time savings!

That being said, the question remains: how much does it cost to buy and install a charging station? You'll be surprised to find that it's much more affordable than you think!

What is the cost of a home charging station?

First of all, there are several charging stations and the purchase price of the station varies according to the brand and their characteristics. In general, the different models offered range from $799 to $1575. In addition, the performance of the different stations is often the same from one company to another, except for some models that offer higher power.

So we have to see which charging station suits us according to our car, but also our budget. Several factors come into play, for example: how powerful is the charger in your car? Where will your car be parked (outside or in a garage)? To help you make an informed choice, the BEQ Technology team can advise you on finding the charging station that will meet your needs.

How much does it cost to install a home charging station?

For the installation, the price can vary greatly since each residence is different. On average, we are talking about an amount of $699 for a simple installation done by a certified master electrician for this type of installation. The cost of installing a charging station will depend on the type of installation chosen, the distance between the station and the electrical panel, as well as the modifications that will have to be made to your existing installation.

So, depending on the charging station you choose, the price of a purchased and installed charging station can vary between $1500 and $2000. However, you are entitled to subsidies that will offset the cost of purchasing and installing your charging station. In fact, the Quebec government offers financial assistance of $600 for the purchase of an installed Level 2 charging station. Some cities and other programs also offer grants.

At BEQ Technology, we are equipped to help you every step of the way. Whether it is for the choice of the charging station, the installation or the subsidies you are entitled to, we are there to accompany you before, during and after your purchase.